Competition is a great way to test your skills and put training into practice as well as a great opportunity to meet new people and connect with the wider archery community in Scotland. There are a variety of opportunities from local club meets to Scottish Record Status (SRS) competitions, UK Record Status (UKRS) competitions and the highest level being World Record Status (WRS) competitions.
These events are organised by Clubs across Scotland, the three Area Associations (North, East and West), partner organisations such as Scottish Student Sport (SSS), Scottish Disability Sport (SDS) & Perth and Kinross Disability Sport (PKDS) and ourselves at Scottish Archery who organise indoor and outdoor annual championships and Scottish Tour in conjunction with the network of Clubs.
SRE Criteria
The idea behind the Scottish Ranking Event (SRE) is to enable archers at club level to enjoy a more informal route to competition by shooting in Club time with friends without the added pressure of finding time, cutting out expensive travel and accommodation usually incurred at a competitive level.