Badges & Awards
There are a great number of badges you can claim. Many are score achievement awards and you simply claim on the day at the event when you attain or exceed the required score.
There is no extra cost for the Archery GB and World Archery badges; Scottish Archery Badges and Club badges have a small fee of around £2 to £2.50 to cover the cost of the badge.
If you travel and compete around the UK you may also be able to claim English Crosses, Irish Badges and Welsh Daffodil badges amongst others.

To claim the higher outdoor classification levels of Master Bowmen (MB), Grand Master Bowmen (GMB) and Elite Master Bowman (EMB) for outdoor shooting, you need to shoot scores in open competitions that have UK or World Record Status.
Badges are available for field, target and flight from Archery GB the first time you claim each level. There is a UK target competition held each year for archers with those higher classifications.
For flight archery you don't need three scores you simply claim when you shoot the required distances at a UK or WRS status flight shoots.
If you wish to look up what score levels you need to attain to reach these level all the details are in the Archery GB Standard Operating Procedures (SAPs).
Scottish archery awards
The award scheme is focused on outdoor archery with a view to progressing it to include Indoors at a later date.
It has been introduced so members can earn awards and see yourselves progress within a club setting. This can be accessed within club time and potentially a lot quicker for newer members. Normally to earn nationally recognised progress awards you would need to wait until you entered a competition.
Award Scheme Logbook (printer friendly)
If you have any questions or issues please contact the Tournament Organisers group - ​

Scottish archery Thistle badges
These originated at the Skye Shoot held at the Clan Donald Centre on Skye. After about 4 or 5 years that they were rolled out for use at other Scottish Archery FITA (World Archery) competitions – or Scottish FITA Star events. Now they can be claimed for scores attained in any WA 1440 rounds and metrics; badges start at 900 - so there is no excuse not to give it a go! - and go up to 1300 in 100 increments.
White topped for Juniors, Red for Compounders and Blue for Recurve and Barebow.
Available to claim at 1440 events with Scottish Archery "Thistle" status - just shoot the score or above and pay the small badge fee and it's yours.
View the Claim Form the Thistle Badges below
Several of our clubs have badges that can be claimed by club members on club target days or you can claim at open competitions they run. Like the Scottish Thistle badges there is a modest fee for the club badges.
Bannockburn Bowmen - Spider Badges - no prizes for guessing why! - visit their website for the tables of scores.
Glasgow Archers - Glasgow Archers Target Badges - Lion and Arrows - starting at white for an average of 5 or above for each arrow up to gold for an average of at least 9 - and used for any round.
Penicuik Archers - Penny Badges - for the 1440 and metric rounds and starting at white for 950 and in 100 increments through black, blue, red, gold, purple to 1400.

Rose Badges are for scores shot in the traditional York/Hereford Bristol family of rounds at UK Record Status "Rose" events. Available from 800 to 1200 - square for Recurve, round for Compound and in mini version of both for Junior archers. The Longbow badges are shield shaped and awarded as - White-225, Black-300, Blue-375, Red-450, Gold-525 and Purple-600.
To claim, simply fill in your details on the form available at the event and the tournament organiser and Archery GB will do the rest and you're badge will arrive in the post.
Why a Rose? In 1844 the first Grand National Meeting was held at York. The round shot then was called the York Round and has remained as 72 arrows at 100 yards, 48 at 80 yards and 24 at 60 yards ever since. The White Rose is the emblem of Yorkshire.
world archery star & target awards
World Archery have their famous Star and Target Awards. World Archery was called Fédération Internationale de Tir à l'Arc (FITA) and the badges they issue still have their old logo on until they modernise all their badges.
Available to claim at all World Record Status 1440 events - the Star badges come in different shapes - Shield shape for Recurve, Round for Compound; and colours - they start at 1000 - the Star, 1100 - black, 1200- blue, 1300 - red, 1350 - gold or silver and 1400 - purple. On a Gold base for Seniors and on a Silver for Cadets & Masters.
For all other WA rounds including the WA 720s, the WA 900 and the Indoor 18m and 25m rounds. All the badges are round, again on a gold base for Seniors and silver for Cadets & Masters and range from White to Purple.

Scottish Archery Soft Archery Awards
Soft Archery is a great way to introduce people into the sport making it very accessible and affordable form of archery. This includes working with beginner level participants from young children to older adults, those with a disability and non-competitive archers who shoot socially/recreationally.
It is also an effective way of teaching range safety and developing basic technique before progressing on to full archery.
We have developed a Soft Archery Awards Scheme